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Koh Lanta Team Building Switzerland: Take up the Challenge!

Btween Us, an event agency for individuals and companies, has created a special Koh-Lanta team building event in Geneva. Are you ready to take up the challenge?


Case study

For the organization of a corporate event for 100 people, our client asked us for an exceptional team building:

"We want something mind-blowing."


Koh-Lanta special team building

To do this, Btween Us has concocted a special Koh-Lanta festive and sporty team building event that promotes cohesion, mutual aid, team spirit... All in a lush green natural setting!

“Wow” effect guaranteed!

Take up the challenge!

Everyone of course knows Koh-Lanta, the adventurers' show hosted by Denis Brogniart.

We feel the excitement for the candidates perched on their posts, we hold our breath as we approach the council where around the fire falls, the famous phase: "The adventurers of your tribe have decided to eliminate you, and their sentence is irrevocable."

We have all imagined ourselves living this incredible adventure… That is why Btween Us aimed to recreate the atmosphere and challenges of the cult show Koh-Lanta by adding a festive and personal touch.


To create cohesion, smiles and sometimes bursts of laughter, there is nothing better than surpassing yourself in difficult challenges.

Want more Swiss Team Building ideas? Discover our ranking of the 20 best ideas!

And you? Are you ready to organize an extraordinary Team Building?


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